BWSC Case stories

BWSC featured in mini-series by Green Hydrogen Systems

15 Sep 2023

Recently, some of our employees partook in the exciting project being carried by Green Hydrogen Systems (GHS). GHS has an ongoing mini series following the electrolyser prototype journey.

The second episode of this series is focused on the installation and testing of this unit and it takes place at its new home – GreenLab in Skive.

Green hydrogen plays a crucial role in the energy transition, and we are happy to be part of its progress. Our support for Green Hydrogen Systems (GHS) in their GreenLab Skive installation has been a very rewarding journey.

A big thanks to GHS for inviting us in on the project and for the good collaboration throughout the project. It’s inspiring to see our colleagues shine in GHS’s latest video!

To watch this episode, visit GHS’ Linkedin post found here.

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