For BWSC, sustainability means pursuing environmental, social and governance objectives simultaneously and with equal energy.
Sustainability underpins our long-term success as a business, and we are continuously evolving to make it a core part of how we operate. We monitor our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices and performance and are committed to publicly reporting our progress across the three fundamental ESG areas. Our performance indicators and their status year to year are commented on in our Annual Reports.
In 2022 we commenced a journey to begin alignment with the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the EU Taxonomy. Consequently, at BWSC we are working to evolve our business model and strategy, policies, risks, targets and due diligence to play our part to protect and plan for ESG improvements through our operations and through our value and supply chain.

Jens Peter Koch
We recognize that being sustainable engages our employees and benefits communities and the environment. This is why we are working to make our sustainability commitments integral to our strategy. Importantly sustainability is what helps us win work and is at the core of delivering stakeholder value.