BWSC Case stories

Cooperation Agreement with Harvest Waste

23 Dec 2022

We are proud to announce that BWSC on December 7th has entered into a Cooperation Agreement with Harvest Waste the operation of high efficiency energy-from-waste plants.

Harvest Waste, which is based in Amsterdam, develops clean waste to energy projects in developing countries in the Middle East, Asia and other regions, based on their patented and proven High Efficiency technology.

This milestone in BWSC’s strategic journey will path our way to improving the living standards of local communities by eliminating the hazardous threats of landfill accumulation and using waste as a resource to generate power.

Our cooperation also involves the development of Plant 4.0, which is our common vision for a future digital platform for plant monitoring and performance.

With this partnership we combine the best of both worlds: state-of-the-art technology and decades of solid experience within power plant optimization. We are looking forward to our partnership!

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