BWSC Case stories

BWSC listed as an attractive workplace for engineering students

07 Jun 2024

Exciting news! BWSC has just been listed as a highly attractive workplace for engineering students!

Ingenøren Profilanalyse is a survey that looks over 90 Danish workplaces with the most engineers employed, looking to find out what workplaces stand out in their eyes. In the 24th edition of this survey, 6,751 people have responded, of which 1,228 are students, and 5,523 are professionally active.

We are proud to share that BWSC did especially well in this year’s survey, particularly in the student segment. In the overall company image category, we moved up 45 ranks, placing us in the top 50 companies in the country. Additionally, we improved considerably in the company appeal subcategory, where we moved up over 70 places on the ranking, positioning BWSC in the top 20 most appealing companies for engineering students in Denmark.

We are so grateful to be seen as an attractive workplace for current and future professionals in the engineering area, and we would like to extend a thank you to everyone who has contributed to building up a great working culture and who has helped promoted BWSC as an interesting and exciting workplace.

We will continue focusing our efforts towards making BWSC an attractive company for students and young talent. If you are interested in finding out more about our student opportunities, please visit our student page found here.

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