BWSC Case stories

Reducing environmental impact of Fynsværket

23 May 2024

At BWSC, we strive to help plants reduce their environmental impact.

Currently, we have an ongoing project that is successfully doing just that. At Fynsværket plant, we are conducting the conversion from coal to gas fueling at their boiler no. 7, and we are very glad to report that all is progressing as planned.

This project was restarted early spring 2024, after more than one year suspension due to the volatile situation on gas supply. Thankfully, we are now able to resume this work, and the 12 old coal burners installed in 3 levels have already been dismounted. Installation of the new gas burners is now being carried out concurrently with the installation of new gas pipes and burner control units.

We expect the completion of the work to take place in late fall 2024, whereafter boiler no. 7 will operate on gas, reducing the environmental impact of the plant substantially.

To learn more about our fuel conversion services, please visit our page found here.

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